About Me

I'm Renee! I live in a cute little town in Western Australia where I let my imagination flow. I'm a jewellery designer/metalsmith, which I am fortunate is not only my occupation but also my passion! Here you will see my work and my other joys. :)

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Thursday, 5 June 2008

Some past Press

Thank you, all! I'm delighted you enjoy my work! :) Ordered alphabetically.


Rae said...

Love your work! I didn't know that you had a blog -- that's very cool! Thanks for the shirt love; it's much appreciated!

Also, I'm impressed that you got your 101 up -- I've been trying to finish mine but I'm about at 50. Maybe #1 should be "Finish my 101" (:

thetinylittlegirl said...

ahh i'm so jealous of your press! i'd love to be on the etsy front page one day.